
Сообщения за декабрь, 2020
 Hello! Today I want to describe the  top-5  blogs where you can learn English. 1. https://englishwithyana21.blogspot.com/ A good blog for learning different rules of the English language. Opportunities for development, lots of pictures and a convenient design.There are a lot of articles on a variety of topics, written in simple language. 2. https://englishtogether20.blogspot.com/ Blog for the development of language abilities and skills.  You can find helpful tips and tutorials.  A huge amount of useful information about everything and a little bit. 3. https://anyakvetochka.blogspot.com/ Here you will also find a selection of quality resources for learning English. Thanks to this resource you can improve your vocabulary well. 4. https://wowbrilliantenglish.blogspot.com/  A quality resource with detailed tips for grammar, speaking English, listening, reading and writing. If you have reached the intermediate level, it will not be dif...
   Hello!  Among  all  modern  communication  devices,  mobile  phones  are  the  most  powerful communication medium. That is the point of using it in language learning or teaching. MALL (what means MOBILE-ASSISTED LANGUAGE LEARNING) deals with the use of mobile technology in language learning. The main principles of MALL are: mobility of the learner  connection with the context of the learnen ability to share workplace experience with other learners MALL gives opportunities for learners and teachers to get or transfer information in various ways BUT also to have fun and some kind of interactivities during the process. You may achieve this via QR-codes. You may use QR codes as  a reading tool a source of additional information a educational quest  an agenda tool  polls a news column different list (requirements, materials, sources) Quizlet.   https://quizlet.com/_96es0g?x=1qqt&i=3dbvcl A...
 Hello! What do you know about MOOC? A  massive open online course  ( MOOC)  is an  online course  aimed at unlimited participation and open access via the  web . The MOOC Guide suggests six possible challenges for cMOOCs: Relying on user-generated content can create a chaotic learning environment. Digital literacy is necessary to make use of the online materials. The time and effort required from participants may exceed what students are willing to commit to a free online course. Once the course is released, content will be reshaped and reinterpreted by the massive student body, making the course trajectory difficult for instructors to control. Participants must self-regulate and set their own goals. Language and translation barriers. CANVAS  Lifelong learning and professional development for educators go hand-in-hand with Canvas Network's open, online courses, taught by experts and institutions worldwide. COURSERA for Campus allows uni...